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Midsummer's Day

Midsummer day is traditionally 24th June, the time the sun begins to move from its stand still. It's also St John's Day. Four of us met to help bring in the light at the monument. It was a cloudy day, but just as we reached the appointed time, a gap appeared in the clouds and we could see the sun behind the gold urn at the top of the column. All four of us felt it was appropriate to go from there to North Kensington and Grenfell Tower. We each had a connection to the place and the event which led us there. The subdued atmosphere was to be expected. We preformed a meditation for the dead, another for those who were grieving and an exercise to help transform the dark forces. We returned to the city in time to see the sun pass behind the cross at the top of the dome of St Paul's. Again the clouds cleared just at the moment the sun was there. Was it coincidence or grace?

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