Twinkle Park
Twinkle Park in Greenwich. The pond is dry - still. Where has the water gone? It feels like a magical place, surrounded by guardian...

Solitary Crow
A crow sits near the standing stone and stream in Hyde Park on a January morning.

Anticipation of Spring
Snowdrops, standing stone, waterfall and tree. An unexpected sight in Hyde Park.

Elusive Fox
A fox lives with the deer and usually makes an appearance. This time, just as I was wondering where he was, he appeared from behind and...

Christmas with the deer
A Christmas visit to the deer in Greenwich Park. There's a new line of fencing which makes it more difficult to photograph them. The aim...

A new feature in Greenwich park. It could be a burst pipe but has more the feeling of a spring which has appeared in a corner of the park.

Playgrounds and pollution
The end of the afternoon out and about in Deptford checking on levels of pollution around schools and play areas. A playground and behind...

Lantern brightness on a dark winter day
In the middle of the rush hour traffic children from the local school go on a lantern walk. Lot's of music and jollity. They made many...